Blogs > The Life of an Intern

The official News-Herald Intern blog.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Pains of Professionalism

So, I need to make a professional Facebook and Twitter page so I can get the word that I'm social media savvy but also mature. Ugh.

Facebook won't be too bad, becuase whatever reader base I get is bound to friend or like my page, so the people who want to know what's going on will be there. But Twitter is going to be a whole different story. Not as many people use Twitter, and the ones that do have the attention span of 140 characters. Sure, my headline writing will get put to the test, but first you have to find followers who actually care what you Tweet. Ugh again.

By the end of this semester I'd like to have a professional Facebook page and a professional Twitter page with at least 50 followers. God help me.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Nonsense, now showing in 3D

As you've probably guessed from my previous Disney blog, I enjoy a good animated feature. Emphasis on good.
So of course I went to see Beauty and the Beast when it was re-released in another profit ploy by the company. The classics are so much more enjoyable when you are old enough to catch every lyric to every song and every slight piece of adult humor.
I mean, when it only takes you 5 million to remaster color and add 3D effects but then you make almost 30 million opening weekend, why wouldn't you recycle the classics? (See The Lion King 3D)

Apparently Disney has set the stage for other silver screen gems to return to theaters and offer us a third dimension of... fun?
Well, I guess it would be fun, if all the re-releases were exciting. Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace will be back early next month, and hopefully the others will follow.

But the more disturbing site was the poster I saw atop all the others at the local MJR: Titanic. Set to be re-released in April in 3D.
I can only imagine how thrilling it will be to watch a pre-pubescent Leondaro Dicaprio run around a boat jumping and screaming at my face. I may get coerced into seeing it with friends, where I'll promptly fall asleep and set an alarm to wake me up in time for the sinking scene so that guy that falls down the length of the ship and richochets off the propeller will smack me in the face. Then I'll promptly bribe the nice man in the projection room to loop that scene at least 4 times.
Maybe if they added a scene like this it'd do better.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Colorful Personalities

My first day back not only included extensive background information on soap operas I'll never watch, but also a free psychological evaluation.

Rene attended a leadership class where they had her take this "True Color Personality Test" and she had so much fun, she forced it in all of us.

The test had us all rate groups of adjectives based on how well we thought they described us. Then you added up the numbers you had in certain groups of words and got your color.

You added up your rating for five groups of adjectives for each color, so 20 points is the highest you can get in any single category.

Your color tells you your personality traits:
Gold: Well-planned, traditional, convservative, predictable and precise
Orange: Playful, energetic, quick witted, creative, impulsive
Blue: Optimistic, passionate, cause oriented, mediator, motivates others
Green: Intellectual, philosophical, standard setters, visionaries

Yours truly ended up with 20 orange, 13 green, 10 blue and 7 gold.

Overall we have a pretty good mix in the newsroom, the majority of people are blue and green with only two of us having the majority in orange, but there was a third who was only one point off.
So the two of us get crazy and everyone else keeps us grounded. Sounds about right.
Three of the newsroom staff hadn't taken the test at the time of this blog post.

Oh, that kid is back

My return to The News Herald as an intern for another semester involved a fiery mix of drama, intrigue, betrayal and lust.

Because Dave Komer wouldn't stop talking about soap operas all day and how upset he was that OLTL (One Life to Live) was getting cancelled.

Apparently Dave was quite the daytime junky back in the day, listing off all of "his stories" that he used to follow religiously. He said that right around that 4 o'clock hour when his soaps would end and he would start feeling bored, Oprah came on and saved his attention.

The only soap operas I remember watching were the classic episodes of Days of Our Lives my babysitter made me watch when I was six. The golden episodes where Marlena was posessed by the devil and had to wear sunglasses to cover up her creepy demon eyes.


Apparently she was the only soap character ever to undergo posession. I can't imagine why, it's such a solid storyline. Completely Believable.

Like sands in the hourglass, so are the days of our bleh.

Will I survive this semester? Will I graduate? What about my evil twin brother who's plotting against me from the far shores of Costa Rica?

Tune in next time.